The Alpacas


Floyd is the most loving of our alpacas and is a real people person. He is patient, loves kids and loves to go on walks. He also produces dense, high quality (very fine) fiber. He’s also very cute (Instagram famous).


Jimmy has a bit of a fun story.  Originally we were only in the market to buy 3 Suri alpacas, the breeder we were buying from called us up the night before and said she had 1 Cria left in that age category and she didn’t want him left alone, so naturally I said of course ill take him!  Jimmy is one of our main walkers here at the farm, he only has 1 speed and thats slow and steady.  He likes to hang out at the back of the line when out for walks.  He is a great pair for young children and for someone who just likes to walk slow and enjoy the time spent with him.  


Ned is super spunky and full of life!  He also has some of the most beautiful markings and colouring.  When you look inside Neds Fibre you’ll find the most beautiful rose grey colour!  I think Neds fibre we will have to make something very special and unque to show it off! 


Royce is very vocal and dramatic. He loves to walk but it needs to be with a person on the same wave length as him (calm and assertive). Once he finds the right person, he warms up to them and he might even cuddle up a little on the walk. Royce is our biggest alpaca and produces high volumes of beautiful fiber.


Galahad is not a people person, he’s an alpaca guy. Galahad is the alpha male of the herd and is very much the boss. For this reason we do not bring him on walks as his job is to remain with the herd and call the shots.

Uncle Lenny the Llama

Lenny is a super chill llama, you’ll usually see him at the Hay Bar shacking away.  I found Lenny on Marketplace and took a chance on him.  SO glad I did!  Lenny is trained to be a walker,  maybe we will use him as a pac Llama and have some saddles made.  He could carry some cold refreshments while out on walks!


Chad is a vegan who is always doing yoga poses out in the barn and pasture.  Recently Chad has been trained to go on our walks, he will chat up a storm with you.  When he arrived he was a free spirit who liked to keep to himself, but he has really come out of his shell and is opened to a good neck scratch!   


Tommy is the pampered pooch who spends most of his days indoors in the AC.  He loves to come out to greet the guests at the end of our alpaca walks.  Tommy and the alpacas can co-exist in the pasture together, but he’s quite jealous when the alpacas are the star of the show! 

Miss Kitty

Miss Kitty is our over friendly barn cat.  She tends to join on alpaca walks and the odd family photo sessions!  She loves the attention and is very entertaining for the kids!  She helps keep the mice under control in the barn and keeps the alpacas company.  


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